President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Tuesday expressed the Maldives’ longstanding solidarity with the Palestinian people. He made the statement in a message sent on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

His message reaffirmed the strong support and unwavering commitment of the people and the Government of Maldives to the people and the Government of the State of Palestine in their quest to achieve their legitimate right to self-determination.

“The Palestinian people deserve a life of peace, prosperity, and dignity, and so, we stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Palestine in securing their inalienable rights.”

He further added that an internationally accepted two-State solution is the only viable and long-term solution to find lasting peace to the question of Palestine, and called for the establishment of a sovereign and independent State of Palestine, based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Unilateral measures that go against the grain of this internationally accepted arrangement are regressive and illegal, said President Solih.

“As a member of the international community, we will continue to staunchly advocate for full Palestinian statehood and keep reminding the international community of their responsibility to promote and protect the full enjoyment of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people."

Since 1978, November 29 is observed every year as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.