Masha Midhath   26 October 2020 - 08:49 AM
Former Vice President and Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad.
Former Vice President and Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad.
Prosecutor General (PG) office, files corruption charges at the Criminal court against former Vice President and Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad.

He is being charged, with corruption in connection to the development project of K. Fushi Dhiggaru Falhu as a 'special tourism zone.'

As per the statement by the PG office, the Commission on Corruption and Asset Recovery has investigated the Fushi Dhiggaru Falhu development project. Following this, the PG office filed the charge against Jihad with the Criminal Court this Sunday. PG said that a joint venture agreement was made with a 50 percent government partnership to develop Fushi Dhiggaru Falhu as a 'special tourism zone,' and the cabinet decided on the joint venture agreement on November 29, 2011.

Although the joint venture agreement stated that the state will not have any expenses to the 'special tourism zone' development project and the rent of the land has to be paid to the Nation, PG accuses Abdulla Jihad has signed it against the agreement of the cabinet.

PG has stated that without any reason, Jihad went against the decision and signed the agreement with Prime Capital Maldives ltd for the development of the project with 25 percent government partnership and not 50 percent government partnership. As per the PG office, the change in the agreement had brought the Nation a loss of 604,713,750 Dollars in land rent alone.

As per the PG Office, if the cabinet agreement, had been followed to make the joint venture agreement with 50 percent government partnership to develop the special tourism zone, the Nation would have earned USD 411,720,000 as land rent in 50 years. But the change of agreement by Jihad had brought in loss to the Nations' finances.