Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   04 December 2022 - 04:16 AM
Former Prosecutor General Ahmed Muizz has stated that it is too late to find the money stolen from the state in the MMPRC scandal.

Muizz said this regarding the Anti Corruption Commission stating that they have found a way to get back the stolen funds.

Muizz alleged that there was an agreement made between the ones who stole the money and the PG and the government. And that it is too late now to get back the money and that he does not think they can be retrieved anymore.

An ACC official stated last week while speaking to the media that for the current members of the commission, the biggest priority was to devise a full asset recovery system. And through working with the institutions, this path has been found. The ACC official said that this was a framework for recovering the money used for the crime and the money gotten from the crime.

Even though audit reports have shown that state money has been stolen in large amounts by various governments, the stolen money has never been recovered.