Masha Midhath   27 October 2020 - 09:52 PM
Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital.
Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital.
At the recent press conference by the Health Emergency Operation Centre (HEOC), R. Ungoofaaru island is under monitoring, following a Covid-19 positive case.

As per the HEOC details, R. Ungoofaaru island reported a Covid-19 positive case from the random sample taken across the island. While 60 people were tested randomly, only one person was reported positive to Covid-19.

Random samples were taken from 20 people working in the hospital, 15 people working in Cafe’, restaurants, and shops, along with 05 foreign workers living in R. Ungoofaaru.

The island is under monitoring, and traveling in and out of the island is restricted. Although the restrictions following the monitoring status, HEOC will allow traveling in and out of the island for basic needs and medical emergencies through a special permit from HEOC.

Along with movement restriction to the island, HEOC has announced that wearing masks in public areas is mandatory at the island. Added to this follows school closure and canceling of sports and public events as well.