U.S Secretary of State Michael Pompeo with Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, during his official visit to the Maldives.
U.S Secretary of State Michael Pompeo with Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, during his official visit to the Maldives.
On October 28th, the Chinese Embassy in the Maldives issued a solemn statement against the U.S Secretary of State Michael Pompeo for blatantly making China-related negative comments during his visit to the Maldives.

The statement accuses Pompeo of tirelessly spreading political rumors on China and instigated China-Maldives' relationship during his visit to the Maldives. As per the statement, Unilateralism and hegemony pursued by the U.S is a threat to peaceful and stable international relations.

Chinese Embassy calls U.S politicians to acknowledge that China and the U.S are different and face up to China's achievements and contributions to the world under the CPC leadership. Highlighting that Chinese development, cooperation, and mutual benefits, has made major contributions to world development.

The statement also reads that the so-called Indo-Pacific strategy by the U.S aims at stirring up a confrontation among different groups and blocs and to stoke geopolitical competition, which violates the spirit of mutual benefits featuring win-win outcomes and undermines the prospect of regional peace and development.

“The 21st century is an era of globalization. The interests of all countries are inextricably intertwined. Organizing closed and exclusive cliques stand completely against the trend of the times and common interests of the international community and will turn out to be a dead-end.”

Chinese Embassy also accuses the U.S of bringing up "militarization of the South China Sea" now and then. However, on the contrary, the U.S military vessels and aircraft have been frequently carrying out exercises and close-in reconnaissance in the South China Sea, intending to increase tensions and flex muscles. The U.S itself is the major factor driving "militarization" in the South China Sea.

Furthermore, in the statement, the Chinese Embassy has said that China has actively implemented national climate change strategy and policies as the biggest developing country.

“President Xi Jinping made a solemn commitment in the General Debate of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly to make more national contribution and adopt stronger policies and measures to strive for the peak of carbon dioxide emission before 2030 and the realization of carbon neutrality before 2060.”

Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy questions the U.S whether it is qualified to point at China, following the U.S announcement on its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, which is a backlash and obstacle for the international community to tackle climate change.

“Every country has the right to development and the right to maintain an independent foreign policy of peace. Pompeo openly pressures middle and small countries to take sides. His claim that the U.S respects sovereignty just sounds like a joke.” states the Chinese Embassy.

Chinese Embassy gives assurance that China's development is an opportunity, not a threat, and the mutually-beneficial cooperation between China and Maldives is in line with the common interests of the two countries and will bring more benefits to both people.