Masha Midhath   29 January 2023 - 01:56 AM
The President and First Lady conclude visit to Faafu Atoll and return to Malé.

The President's visits to the atolls primarily include engaging with the community, actively listening to their concerns, discussing feasible solutions, and gaining valuable insights into the islands' development. These visits emphasise the administration's commitment to inclusive island development through intensive consultation with councils and encouraging active participation of the residential communities.

On the visit, President Solih visited all the inhabited islands in Faafu Atoll and met with the Island Councils and members of the Women's Development Committees. He also visited community institutions and observed development sites.

During his visit, The President inaugurated the water and sewerage network and the administrative building of FENAKA Corporation on Magoodhoo Island. On Bilehdhoo Island, he inaugurated the powerhouse, the administrative building of FENAKA Corporation and a multi-purpose hall at Bilehdhoo School. President Solih additionally inaugurated the upgraded harbour on Dharanboodhoo Island and the administrative building of FENAKA Corporation and an Ice Plant on Feeali Island.

The President and First Lady were accompanied by a high-level government delegation during the visit to Faafu Atoll.