MP Ali Azim presents the issue of harassment towards Aminath Waheeda and the vandalization of her taxi on multiple occasions as an emergency matter to the parliament.

Aminath Waheedha is the only female taxi driver currently in Male’ City, who has been an inspiration to many women.

On many multiple occasions, her taxi was vandalized, which has brought public concern over the issue.

While presenting the issue as an emergency matter, MP Azim called on the state to take action against whoever is responsible for such multiple vandalism. He also called on the state to encourage and support such independent businesses lead by women.

During the discussion, all the parliament members who spoke agreed that the issue was a serious matter. Members raised their concerns over the issue called respective institutions to take action against whoever is responsible for the vandalization.

Meanwhile, the issue is also under investigation by Maldives Police Service.

Aminath Waheedha has appreciated Youth Minister, Mr. Mahloof, who had extended his help to the damages caused in the recent vandalization of the taxi. Her taxi was reported vandalized while it was parked outside the maafannu Thoiba Mosque.