Ibrahim Naufal (Ibu)   20 April 2023 - 08:58 AM
The Jumhooree Party Leader and the party's Presidential Candidate, Honourable Qasim Ibrahim has stated that a JP government will have an impartial foreign policy without relying on one particular side.

Political experts say that Qasim Ibrahim is a presidential candidate that has a high chance of winning the upcoming presidential election.

While Qasim is contesting the presidential election, his campaign has many former leading members of MDP and PPM. And even now a large number of people are joining JP.

Qasim has been stating the policies he will pursue in his government. As such, in a tweet on Monday night, Qasim spoke about his foreign policy. He said he would pursue the foreign policy of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and President Ibrahim Nasir.

While many people were talking about the meaning of the tweet, Qasim has spoken to the media about it.

Qasim said he would always put Maldives' interests first in his foreign policy and decision-making. He also said that he would pursue a policy of impartiality in strengthening relations between other countries, without relying on a particular nation.

"We are saying that we are not against any particular people. We just want the country's sovereignty, freedom and religion to remain as they were passed down by our ancestors," said the popular business man turned politician, Qasim Ibrahim.

Some people say that Qasim's remarks about not relying on any particular nation is referring to the incumbent government's reliance on India. They allege that Qasim's remarks were made to gain the support of the opposition PPM members, who have been protesting against the alleged presence of Indian military in the country and the over-reliance on India, which they believe is negatively affecting the sovereignty of Maldives.

Qasim, who loves the country and its religion, has previously spoken out against the actions of previous governments that affect the sovereignty and freedom of Maldives. Although criticism of religious scholars has been directed at some politicians in Maldives, Qasim has been known to have the support of religious scholars.

While Qasim is campaigning for the presidential election, it is notable that every person who has ruled Maldives since 2008 has come to power with the consent and support of Qasim. Without Qasim's support, none of them would have had a chance to come to power.