Masha Midhath   13 November 2020 - 08:12 AM
Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) investigates Police brutality against a civilian in Addu city.

The incident was reported to the Speaker of the parliament Mohamed Nasheed, and the HRCM. The letter submitted by the victim's family member reads that the victim has suffered bodily injury and a ruptured eardrum while Police threatened to hang him upside down using a bedsheet, warning him if he speaks of the torture.

HRCM has confirmed that an investigation held for a complaint of alleged torture at the time of arrest and while under custody by police officers in Addu City. In a tweet, HRCM stated that the case is being investigated under the Anti-Torture Act 2013.

Replying on Twitter to the published letter, which was submitted by the victims' family, Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed gave assurance of a thorough internal investigation and full cooperation from the Police service to any external investigation.