MP Ibrahim Shareef – MDP Maradhoo Constituency, labels The Democrats’ (TD’s) presidential candidate MP Ilyas Labeeb a sacrificial lamb.

MP Shareef says that TD is not serious about their nomination of MP Labeeb. MP Labeeb – TD Hulhudhoo Constituency, is now in Addu City on a campaign tour.

“MP Labeeb is not a serious candidate. MP Labeeb is a lamb selected by Speaker Mohamed Nasheed to be politically sacrificed for the presidential election. Think Addu. If they have any hope of scoring any success in the September presidential election, The Democrats would have nominated President Nasheed”, tweeted MP Shareef.

Speaker Nasheed who is touring Addu City with MP Labeeb, launched the latter’s presidential campaign in the city describing the office of the president as a ‘youthful spirit’. He also said that youthful blood be engaged in shouldering such high responsibilities of the state as that of the office of the president.