Masha Midhath   09 November 2023 - 01:24 AM
Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that the MDP leaders will soon be prohibited from visiting other foreign countries

Nasheed, the former President of MDP, made the remarks in a message to the official WhatsApp group of the parliament following a letter sent by MP Ismail Ahmed to the organizers of the 17th Global Citizenship Conference, which he is currently attending in the UAE.

President Nasheed said the MDP leaders are acting like children and that the MDP will be expelled from the international organizations where they are now. The loss of power to the MDP is small compared to what lies ahead, said Nasheed. He also threatened MDP members to be prohibited from visiting other foreign countries.

Nasheed accused said the letter against him was sent by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, MP Mohamed Rashid Hossain (Bigey), and MP Ali Niaz.

President Nasheed is currently in Dubai to address the Global Citizenship Conference.