The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has confirmed that the N. Kendhikulhudhoo Harbor Upgrade and Boat Beaching Area Project is well underway.

According to MTCC, the New Harbor basin dredging operations are currently ongoing.

The scope of work of this project includes 28,393cbm new harbor basin dredging operations, 30,480cbm maintenance dredging operations, 12,968cbm channel dredging operations, 12,038cbm boat beaching area basin dredging operations, 14,220cbm boat beaching area channel dredging operations.

The project also includes installation of 249m quay wall, 368m breakwater, 130m revetment, 246m groyne, 11m x 11m ramp, 86m x 1.5m jetty, 1,990sqm pavement, installation of harbor lights and navigational lights, installation of mooring buoys.

The value of the project is MVR 73.16 million.