Masha Midhath   08 January 2024 - 01:17 AM
Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has condemned the insulting remarks made by senior government officials against India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media.

President Solih made the statement amidst a dispute between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and prominent figures on social media regarding a video he shared during his visit to Lakshadweep, a union territory of India, promoting regional tourism. This sparked a heated debate on social media, with some high-ranking government officials making derogatory comments about the neighboring Indian Prime Minister.

The remarks on social media on the issue by the Youth Ministry Deputy Ministers Malsha Shareef, Maryam Shiuna, and Mahzoom Majid got heated while Indian mass media activists, some of the country's celebrities, and the media have stood up against the Maldives.

Following the controversial debate, President Solih said India has always been a very close friend of the Maldives, and the two countries should not allow relations to be spoiled by insulting remarks.

"India has always been a good friend to Maldives, and we must not allow such callous remarks to negatively impact the age-old friendship between our two countries."

After controversial remarks, Youth Ministry Deputy Ministers Malsha Shareef, Maryam Shiuna, and Mahzoom Majid have been suspended from their posts for posting insulting posts on social media. The three were suspended in connection with their posts, the President's Office confirmed.