Masha Midhath   15 December 2020 - 06:33 AM
The Maldives National University's Chancellor, Dr. Hassan Hameed.
The Maldives National University's Chancellor, Dr. Hassan Hameed.
The Maldives National University's Chancellor, Dr. Hassan Hameed, has stated that he hopes schools, colleges, and universities can begin teaching in-person in 2021.

In his tweet, Dr. Hassan Hameed said that in the past seven days, the average number of Covi-19 positive cases were on average 24.3, which is the lowest since July 9. He added that with a decrease in Covid-19 positive cases, hopefully, schools, colleges, and universities can begin teaching in-person in 2021.

Along with reported cases of coronavirus, the government introduced a series of unprecedented restrictive and social distancing measures, including a nationwide closing of government offices, schools, colleges, and universities and continued distance learning on online platforms. Although it is currently school holidays, the government did re-start teaching in-person for students studying in higher grades.