Police have initiated an investigation into a case of insulting Islam on social media platforms, authorities announced today. The attention of law enforcement was drawn to a post on 'X' deemed derogatory towards Islam, prompting swift action from authorities.

The post in question attributed to a woman, sparked controversy by referencing the debate surrounding International Yoga Day. In the post, the individual criticized Muslims for their practice of kissing Hajar al-Aswad during circumambulation.

This incident comes amid a surge in instances of open insults directed at Islam on various social media platforms. The authorities have taken a proactive approach in addressing such matters, underscoring the seriousness with which they regard offenses against religious sensitivities.

Police have assured the public that a thorough investigation into the matter is underway, emphasizing the need to uphold respect for religious beliefs and promote harmony within society. Perpetrators of such acts are subject to legal consequences in accordance with the law.