Masha Midhath   04 January 2021 - 11:29 PM
The Ministry of Health has announced the extension of the ongoing public health emergency for another month.

The statement released by the Health Ministry has announced that the current state of public health emergency declared in the Maldives in response to the coronavirus pandemic will be extended until February 3.

The Maldives announced a state of public health emergency on March 12 last year. The first such declaration under a recent public health protection law. The current announcement will be extending the initial state of a public health emergency for the 10th time.

The Minister of Health Ahmed Naseem ordered the extension of the state of public health emergency this Monday. It was followed by the advice of the Director-General of Public Health, on the threat of a severe nationwide outbreak remains widespread. Hence the state of the public health emergency is extended to take the special measures required to mitigate the threat of Covid-19 in the Maldives.

So far, Maldives has recorded 13,867 positive cases, a recovery of 13,191 infected people, and so far, 48 deaths are recorded from Covid-19 complications.