Masha Midhath   01 October 2024 - 05:23 PM
The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has publicly named 42 individuals who have not filed their required tax returns for 2023. These individuals fall under the category of large taxpayers, those classified as liable to pay substantial amounts of tax to the agency.

MIRA released the list today, which includes 43 individuals, with a focus on those whose total income exceeds MVR 200 million annually or who are associated with such taxpayers. The deadline for submitting 2023 income tax returns expired on June 30 of last year, and those named have yet to comply.

The tax authority highlighted that multiple reminders were sent before publicly disclosing the names, including notifications via email, SMS, and phone calls. MIRA has consistently urged these taxpayers to fulfill their legal obligations, warning of the penalties outlined in tax regulations for non-compliance.

The public release of names signals MIRA’s commitment to enforcing tax compliance among major taxpayers.