Masha Midhath   01 August 2023 - 10:18 PM
The Elections Commission of Maldives (EC) rejects former President Abdulla Yameen’s candidacy as he fails to qualify to run in the September presidential election.

President Yameen was nominated by PPM-PNC Coalition – the main opposition block, in August of last year to run in the election as their candidate.

Mohamed Tholal – the election agent of President Yameen, this morning submitted the former president’s candidacy documents to EC. The Chairman of EC Fuwad Thowfeek received the documents.

Ras has access to a copy of the rejection document which was sent to PPM by the Elections Commission of Maldives. The EC found that President Yameen was serving a prison sentence that is longer than a 12-month period and that this disqualifies him from running in the presidential race.

If a candidate in general elections is rejected by EC, the law says that the person should be granted a period of five days to appeal at the highest court in the country which is the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is required to decide on such cases in a seven-day period.