Social and Family Development Minister Dr. Aishath Shiham has announced the transformation of the Guraidhoo Center into a specialized treatment facility, marking a significant shift in its purpose. Speaking to state media, Dr. Shiham emphasized the evolving perception of the center, highlighting its new role in providing comprehensive treatment and support services.

Dr. Shiham underscored that the Guraidhoo Center now serves as a hub for individuals seeking treatment for various issues, aiming to reintegrate them into society after receiving assistance. This represents a departure from its previous perception as a permanent shelter, with programs in place to facilitate a smooth transition back into the community.

The minister emphasized the changing societal attitudes towards the center, noting a growing acceptance that individuals access its services for a defined period. Dr. Shiham expressed confidence in the center's ability to meet the diverse needs of its occupants, signaling a positive shift in its function and purpose.

Despite its primary focus on mental health assistance under state supervision, concerns persist about the welfare of elderly individuals in the center who lack familial support. Efforts to address this issue are ongoing, underscoring the ongoing commitment to enhancing the center's effectiveness and inclusivity.