Mayor Adam Azim
Mayor Adam Azim
Mayor Adam Azim has emphasized the need to enhance public transport in Male', advocating for an increase in the number of public buses. Speaking on state media, Azim highlighted the importance of bolstering the city’s public transport services to offer more options for residents to travel efficiently.

Azim mentioned that the city council aims to determine the number of vehicles that can be driven in the city within the next three months, stressing the need for a vehicle limit to prevent future congestion. He believes reducing the number of vehicles and increasing pedestrian spaces will alleviate congestion.

“You can't have as many vehicles as you want in such a small place. If we don't set a vehicle limit today, no vehicle will be able to proceed here in the next five years,” he added.

Additionally, Azim noted that many city residents are considering relocating to areas such as Gulhi Falhu, Giravaru Falhu, and Uthuruthilafalhu. He views this as an opportune time to work on reducing congestion in Male' and improving the overall quality of life in the city.